Telegram shop with some digital goods. Payment server and top-up website with Next.js. 60k+ users in DB and 24k+ monthly users
It's Ben-like Discord bot for voice channels. You ask him, and he answers with built-in phrases. Unfortunately, it was rejected by Discord for "cheating".
Multi functional telegram bot for automatic finding and buying phone numbers on certain sms providers. A new version of this product is in development.
It's multi functional Discord bot with manual moderation functions, some for fun things, etc.
Electric Meter
This bot counts how much energy has gone out (Yandex IoT) and calculates the amount owed.
This software is designed for the automated purchase of goods for FreeFire players. Works with NoDriver.
This software is for people like me who have a AORUS Liquid Cooler series water coolant system on Linux hardware. The program is very simple, it just sends the CPU temperature to the water block by USB interface.
This software for automatic activation MegaFon phone numbers with auto captcha solving. Works with Selenium and 2captcha.
SMS Activator
This software was designed to automatically purchase phone numbers on phone numbers activation provider.